Eva Lathrop: Safeguarding Abortion in the United States after Roe v. Wade

Hey Changemaker! A podcast by Girls Globe

The world has been watching the United States since the overturn of its abortion legislation last year. In this episode, Dr. Eva Lathrop gives us insights into what it’s like for women and physicians living in a post-Roe v. Wade America.

Dr. Eva Lathrop is the Global Medical Director for Population Services International (PSI), a non-profit global health organization. PSI operates in over 50 countries worldwide, with programs in sexual and reproductive health, malaria, water and sanitation, HIV and non-communicable diseases.

Eva oversees a service delivery portfolio that spans over 30 countries and focuses on sexual and reproductive health, legal abortion and post-abortion care, and cervical cancer work. She also works to evolve PSI’s quality approach within primary health care.

Her experience prior to PSI spans 20 years of experience in clinical care, teaching, research and practice in global reproductive health. Her clinical and research interests include increasing access to contraception, legal abortion and post-abortion care in low-resource settings, restricted settings and in the context of complex emergencies. 

In this episode, Dr. Eva Lathrop gives us insights into the status of access to abortion services in the United States. She speaks about the pushback on reproductive freedom from the perspective of a physician in the US, since the overturn of Roe v Wade last year. 

Eva shares personal stories, her sources for hope and real advice for changemakers everywhere. 

Listen to the full Hey Changemaker! podcast here